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032 老兵悲歌

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There's a reckoning a'in

And it burns beyond the grave

With lead inside my belly

Cause my soul has lost its way

Oh, Lazarus, how did your debts get paid?

Oh, Lazarus, were you so afraid?

When the fires, when the fires have surrounded you

With the hounds of hell in' after you

I've got blood

I've got blood on my name

When the fires, when the fires are consuming you

And your sacred stars won't be guiding you

I've got blood

I've got blood, blood on my name

Not a spell gonna be broken

With a potion or a priest

When you're cursed you're always hopin'

That a prophet would be grieved

Oh, Lazarus, how did your debts get paid?

Oh, Lazarus, were you so afraid?

Can't you see I'm sorry?

I will make it worth your while

I'm made of dead man's money

You can see it in my smile

Oh, Lazarus, how did your debts get paid?

Oh, Lazarus, were you so afraid?

When the fires, when the fires have surrounded you

And the whole wide world's in' after you

I've got blood

I've got blood on my name

When the fires, when the fires are consuming you

And your sacred stars won't be guiding you

I've got blood

I've got blood

Blood on my name

It won't be long,'till I'm dead and gone

It won't be long,'till I'm dead and gone

Watch the fires rise, burn through my skin

Down to the bone, scorchin' my soul

Nowhere to run

Nowhere to run

Nowhere to run

When the fires, when the fires have surrounded you

With the hounds of hell in' after you

I've got blood

I've got blood on my name

When the fires, when the fires are consuming you

And your sacred stars won't be guiding you

I've got blood

I've got blood on my name

When the fires, when the fires have surrounded you

And the whole wide world's in' after you

I've got blood

I've got blood

Blood on my name


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站内强推 LOL:这是个运气游戏 宅师 神明模拟器 御鬼者传奇 狼与兄弟 都市极品医神 猛卒 电影世界大抽奖 娱乐帝国系统 重生福妻有空间 龙血战神 快穿女配:男神,撩上瘾 四合院:霸道的人生 帝霸 从海贼开始燃烧世界 影视都市从四合院开始 绝世高手在都市 大明:老朱,咱说好的不急眼! 厉太太又暴露身份了 精灵之黑色幻想 
经典收藏 神秘之旅 都市之万界至尊 我是秦二世 午夜惊魂 异界全职业大师 诱惑河流之鬼瞳 我把被窝分给你 真灵九变 科技图书馆 杀破狼 重生之毒妃 闪婚厚爱:顶级老公有点酷 星河至圣 超级能源系统 王牌特工 我的御兽真不是邪神 网恋奔现,女友她姐竟是我初恋 唯有铁拳镇山河 宠爆!婚后死对头又黏又撩 就你们叫第四天灾啊? 
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